2018 - 2024

Comprehensive Trauma Rehabilitation Care in Yangon, Myanmar

Host Partner
Yangon General Hospital

Singapore Partner
Singapore General Hospital and SingHealth

Project aim
To strengthen the trauma rehabilitation care ecosystem in Myanmar.


Singapore International Volunteers will train about 180 Myanmar healthcare professionals in the latest standards of care and share best practices. Participants’ enhanced skills and knowledge will benefit at least 30,000 patients across three years. Participating hospitals and institutions include the National Rehabilitation Hospital, North Okkalapa General Hospital, Yangon Orthopaedic Hospital, Mandalay General Hospital, University of Medicine 1, and University of Medicine 2. The project is expected to improve the delivery of comprehensive trauma rehabilitation to benefit 30,000 patients in greater Yangon.

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2007 - 2015

Blood Group Serology in Yangon, Myanmar

Host Partner
National Health Laboratories, National Blood Centre (Yangon)

Singapore Partner
Health Sciences Authority, Singapore

Project aim
To enhance the skills and knowledge of Myanmar’s health professionals in the patient care aspect of blood transfusion, and the laboratory aspects of blood grouping, testing and matching.


Forty-one laboratory technologists from 36 hospitals and blood units across Myanmar participated in the workshop on red cell serology. Together with the International Society of Blood Transfusion, we also organised a symposium on blood transfusion to create greater awareness of developments in blood management and transfusion medicine. The National Blood Service also received additional training on areas such as strategic planning and the framework for a national blood system. Since its inception, more than 60 transfusion clinicians and medical technologists have benefitted directly from the training programme. They have in turn cascaded to a further 140 doctors and medical students the ethics, clinical risks and other considerations of blood transfusion.

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