2013 - 2016

Teaching English to Pre-schoolers in Yangon, Myanmar

Host Partner
Department of Social Welfare (DSW), Yangon and Mandalay

Singapore Partner
Individual volunteers from Singapore’s education sector

Project aim
To boost standards of teaching English to pre-schoolers in Yangon.


This three-year project equipped principals and teachers in Myanmar with knowledge and skills for teaching English to pre-schoolers, and with the ability to disseminate these skills to other preschool teachers. Three times a year, training workshops totalling 180 hours were conducted for groups of early childhood educator trainees. Over three years, we worked with 85 early childhood educators, who in turn imparted what they learned to other preschool teachers.

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2004 - 2015

Early Childhood Care and Development in Yangon, Myanmar

Host Partner
Department of Social Welfare, Yangon

Singapore Partner
Individual volunteers from Singapore’s education sector

Project aim
To enhance the standards of early childhood care and development in Yangon.


Singapore International Volunteers from the SEED Institute as well as private childcare development centres in Singapore helped to upgrade the skills, knowledge and teaching methodologies of 229 Early Childhood Curriculum Development (ECCD) trainers in Myanmar. The programme expanded to include the Myanmar Department of Education and other key NGO players in the country’s ECCD sector. In addition, we set up a Resource Centre at Yangon’s ECCD Training Centre, complete with relevant books, audio-visual aids, and other low-cost training resources; as well as two demonstration centres, in Yangon and one in Mandalay, respectively.

In March 2015, the SIF and Myanmar’s Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement published an ECCD Resource Book, to help educators in the development of curricula and lesson plans. The book was published in the Myanmar language and English and distributed to over 36,000 preschool teachers. The ECCD curriculum has since been implemented by different agencies and institutions in the country.

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