24 April 2019

Changemakers Journey Into Singapore’s Heart And Soul

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“The true beauty of Singapore is not solely about its impressive skyscrapers or highly efficient people. It lies in the fact that regardless of who they are – religion, race or group – they stand as one Singapore.” – Andri Rizki Putra, Indonesian influencer.

Today’s global landscape has seen increased levels of diversity, which makes it imperative that people of different backgrounds enhance their efforts to collaborate for good.

It was against this setting that 15 key opinion leaders from around the region came together for the Singapore International Foundation’s inaugural Changemakers for a Better World programme.

In showing them Singapore’s heart and soul through a curated four-day programme, we also drove meaningful online conversations on ways to build a better world.

Not only did our international friends gain a deeper appreciation of our country’s compassionate society, they also saw aspects of our social innovation and cultural vibrancy.