Climate Hack is a virtual programme that enables individuals in Asia to tap on the power of technology and international networks to develop innovative solutions to address the challenges of climate change.



Join Us as a Participant

Registrations are now open!

Please read the Participant Info Pack before registering your interest to join Climate Hack 2024.



Our Impact

Climate Hack 2021

The pilot edition of Climate Hack in 2021 attracted 500 registrants and saw 120 participants across Asia undergo training. 46 digital prototypes were developed to tackle climate change – covering areas such as energy, food security, waste management and sustainable living to a panel of judges. Three teams from Malaysia and Indonesia emerged as winners, after scoring highly on impact and innovation.

Climate Hack 2021 saw SIF win the World Bank Digital Skills Innovation Award: Lifelong Learning, which recognises innovative programmes that teach essential skills for the digital workplace and the digital economy. Read about it here.

Climate Hack 2022

Following the pilot, Climate Hack was launched in April 2022. The 2022 edition attracted more than 240 participants from over 10 countries in Asia. The nine-month long programme includes an additional segment, Climate Lab, where selected teams undergo an incubation programme supported by mentors who are industry experts to bring their solutions to a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) stage.

66 teams submitted digital prototypes and solutions for a greener planet, covering challenge areas like City in Nature, Sustainable Living, Resilient Future, Green Economy and Energy Reset. Four cross-cultural teams from India, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Jordan emerged as winners during the Pitch Day on 11 June 2022.

The teams in Climate Lab presented their MVP at the Graduation Showcase on 25 March 2023, on an interactive Metaverse platform, ZEP. Read about it here.

What You Can Expect

Digital Skills Training

Learn digital skills and tap on technology to innovate for climate change


Build a prototype with guidance from industry experts

International Networks

Connect with like-minded individuals to learn and build a more sustainable planet  

Learning Journey

Gain opportunity to explore innovative tech-driven solutions to climate change in Singapore

Participants’ Journey

Registration of Interest

24 June - 9 August 2024

Climate Conference

7 September 2024

Problem-Solving Workshops

22 - 29 September 2024

Digital Skills Workshops
12 - 27 October 2024
Entrepreneurial Thinking Workshop

10 November 2024

Solution Building

11 November 2024 -
10 January 2025

Pitch Day

22 February 2025

Hear from Our Climate Hack Alumni

Featured Stories

Meet Our Climate Hack Winners

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