The Water for Life (WFL) programme provides rural communities with access to drinking water through the implementation of clean water technology; and enhances their quality of life via improved health and hygiene practices. The programme supports United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6 which calls for universal access to clean water and sanitation by 2030. It also allows Singapore International Volunteers and international communities to forge cross-border friendships through better intercultural understanding.

WFL Siem Reap

When there is easy access to clean water and basic hygiene education programmes, the incidence of water-borne diseases falls. This ensures improved quality of health, livelihoods, and overall well-being in communities.

Following the success of the first and second phase of WFL in Siem Reap, Cambodia (2010-2021), we launched phase three in 2022. This new instalment is supported by Water for Cambodia and Ngee Ann Development, and aims to provide more than 5,700 villagers in the two districts with access to clean water.

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